Duck: Claire Harrison
Asst. News Digital Editor Spring ‘23 | Asst. News Copy Editor Fall ‘23

Nora Benko | Illustration Editor
This is a wonderful place full of wonderful people. It’s hard to believe I am sad to leave the long hours, late nights and hard work, but the people here make it all worth it.
Though my time as an in-house staff member has come to an end, I am nowhere near done writing for The D.O. This is not a goodbye, just a see you later.
I never could have imagined the growth — both in my writing and life skills — I would experience here at 230 Euclid. Looking at my first story shows me just how much I have learned, and I have many people to thank for that.
Kyle: I remember being in the car on my way to band camp freshman year and getting an email from you asking to talk on the phone about a story assignment. I was terrified (the News Editor was contacting me in early August), but that was my first D.O. memory. I have so many more memories of being terrified of you, as the image of you walking in with a question and an open laptop is the most frightening thing I can picture. Thanks for helping me be a better writer and journalist. I look up to you and hope to be half the writer (and tweed wearer) you are someday.
Anish: I am still not over your Arial writing, but thanks for being a great EIC and helping me fix my usage of that through suggestion mode.
Sophie: You are one of the coolest people I know, and I am so impressed by all you do. You were always there to talk even when you had so much on your plate, and I am grateful for you. Thanks for being the best class buddy and the only other person in-house to get my theatre references.
Stephanie: Thank you for everything. You got me through these last two semesters, and I am thankful to have had such an amazing editor. You did B on my first D.O. story ever and I remember feeling supported and welcomed in a crazy print night newsroom. Thanks for everything and I can’t wait to hang out in Spain.
Faith: It is such an honor to work with a fellow band nerd. In all seriousness, you are an incredible person with a strong drive and I am so grateful we were able to work together. Thank you for being a friend and thank you for driving me to a coverage. Your sense of humor can make the best out of any situation; never let anyone take that from you.
Roxanne: Thanks for being my South Campus buddy and Uber driver! You never fail to make me laugh and I am so grateful for the Instagram reels you continue to share with the group. You are an amazing writer and it’s important to me that you know that. You know who you are without apology; keep that going.
Jana: Thanks for teaching me so much last semester; I’m very grateful for our time together!
Dom: Writing this makes me sad. You have been such a great friend and coworker since the beginning and I will always owe you the world. You gave me reassurance and support when I most needed it. I can’t think of a person more deserving of all the success coming your way. You are truly one of a kind and I hope retirement involves lots of Candy Crush.
Kendall: Oh, Miss Kendall! You are unbelievably kind and have made me a better person and writer. I am so excited to watch you kill it as News Editor and cannot wait to see all of the amazing things the section does next semester. Never doubt your insane ability to tell someone’s life story on the page and let that guide you. I am going to miss you so much; thanks for everything!
Claire: You never fail to make me laugh and always brought a positive light to the newsroom this semester. I know you are going to crush it as an assistant and can’t wait to see all the great work you do.
Sammy: Welcome to the copy team! Three pieces of advice: take care of yourself, enjoy your time and delete Oxford commas.
Meghan: Thanks for bringing me to The D.O.! The band-D.O. pipeline must continue and I appreciate all of the support you have provided over the last three semesters. You have been a great friend through it all, so thank you.
Grace: Thanks for always being a fun presence in the newsroom last semester; you are dearly missed!
Brittney: My band buddy! Thanks for being a journalistic inspiration and for giving me the best advice ever. You are an incredible writer and I look up to you so much. Miss you!
Hank: Thanks for being a great boss! Last semester was a blast and I guess I forgive you for losing my mug…
My Lovely Family: Thanks for always reading my work! I always appreciate the support and feedback and couldn’t have done any of it without you.
Abby: Thanks for always listening to my rants and for being an awesome roommate; I couldn’t have done this semester without your support. Sorry for never being around, you can enjoy the peace and quiet since I won’t be coming home at 1 a.m.
The RB Clarion and Marc Helegeson: I can remember deciding to take Clarion on a whim. I ended up loving every moment of working with all of you and can’t thank you all enough. Clarion was a place for me to discover my love of journalism and writing, and I fully attribute my journalism work to everything I learned there. I remember what I then thought were long nights working on the hard copy and the ever-fun Food Fridays. Hope you all are doing well. You all deserve the world.
Good night, Daily Orange!
Published on December 7, 2023 at 6:20 am
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