Duck: Olivia Fried
Asst. Opinion Editor Fall '23 | Opinion Editor Spring '24

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor
These past few months have been undoubtedly the hardest, and yet, most rewarding of my life. (Like pretty much everyone going into a head ed position) I was hesitant to take it on at first. But I am so incredibly glad that I did. The D.O. has given me a place to pursue my passions, learn and grow with some amazing people and truly make a difference.
I loved it so much here that I almost decided to stay. Yet, The D.O. has taught me grace and given me the confidence to know that it’s time to take on something new. While there will always be a part of me that wishes I could still spend my weekdays curled up in the nook by the window, I’m excited for what’s next. But I’ll always consider 230 Euclid my second home.
Cassie Roshu: I’m glad our ice cream floats in Ernie brought us from casual to close friends:) I relate to you in a way that I really haven’t with anyone else on campus and truly appreciate your outlook on the world. Your dedication to photojournalism is so admirable and I cannot wait to see how you shine as DME. I know you don’t see it yet, but I know you will be amazing.
Kendall Luther: I will miss you so much next semester. Becoming friends with you this year has made me so happy, you radiate a sense of joy and positivity that always makes me smile. You’re an incredible journalist and I’m so beyond proud of the work you’ve done this semester – it has made an undeniable impact on so many people and I hope you don’t forget that. I will miss our Shaw runs dearly.
Kyle Chouinard: I have learned so much from you this semester and have the utmost respect for you. You’re an incredible journalist and an even better leader. I don’t even understand how you’ve been able to produce so many enterprise and investigative stories all the while leading The D.O. with Anish and Stef. You’ve made me a better editor, leader and person. I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to learn from you.
Anish Vasudevan: Even though you turn on the lights everytime you go upstairs I’ve really enjoyed getting to work with you this semester. Thanks for working with me even if we had differing opinions on a lot of things – you’re a really easy person to work with and a great leader. I’m glad I got to learn from you. ESPN is lucky to have you.
Stefanie Mitchell: I never would’ve had this incredible experience without you. Your (relentless) encouragement to stay on was much needed and I’m truly grateful for it. Your ability to edit a piece is honestly masterful and I’m so excited for you for this summer. Thanks for everything.
Kaia Wirth: I’m so glad you decided to take on Op Editor and I’m excited to see what you do. You inherently have strong leadership skills and that will take you far in this role. Please know you can always reach out to me for help or guidance.
Gray Reed: We better make plans to hang out next semester, because I don’t want to lose “whatever this is.” I wouldn’t have made it through grueling print nights without you and I will truly miss laughing with you. You’ve been a much needed sounding board for me when it came to tough edits, and I’m so glad I was working with someone I could rely on to make those decisions with.
Bridget Overby: Working on Kholood’s piece that print night with you was one of my most cherished moments at The D.O. I have learned so much from you this year. So much. You hold me accountable in a way that no one else has and you embody the confidence that I’ve grown into this year. You carry yourself incredibly and are one of the most fair and genuine people I know. You are an absolutely incredible leader. Thank you for all your wisdom and encouragement.
Cole Ross: We forgot to keep that tally going, but I hope we can add to it again next year! You’re one of the sweetest people ever and an incredible designer. The Falk College graphic is one of the coolest designs I’ve seen at The D.O. this year. Thanks for always coming down to Op to chat – I’ll miss that.
Leah Cohn, Lucía Santoro-Vélez, Fernanda Kligerman, Miranda Fournier: Print nights chatting with you guys in Vis were some of my favorite times this semester! Thanks for all the snacks and smiling faces. Lucia, we are all so excited to see you take over PD next semester and have the utmost confidence in you.
Kelly Matlock: This semester was hard, but you took it on with grace and have done an amazing job leading Culture this semester. I’m glad The D.O. brought us closer and I really hope we keep in touch.
Davis Hood: The D.O. would certainly not function without you, but I’m sure you know that. Thanks for the Mucinex and the sweet treats and for being such a friendly face in the house.
Rose Boehm and Savannah Stewart: I’m really glad I’ve gotten to know you guys this semester. You are both such talented writers and editors and I can’t wait to see what you do. Rose, I know you will do great things next semester as a head ed. Savannah, I’ve appreciated getting to talk about the hard stuff with you and it’s been comforting to know I have someone to talk to that shares my perspective.
Mom, Dad, Cam and Wally: I owe everything to you guys for your endless guidance, support and encouragement. Whether it was a call to rant about a late night or a text about a piece I was really excited for, I knew you were all in my corner either way. I’ve missed you guys tons and can’t wait to be home with you all for the summer. I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Published on May 6, 2024 at 3:32 pm